You can’t make this shit up. See it here.
Category: Weird News
World Could Be Running Out of Condoms Because of Coronavirus
Is the world running out of condoms, due to Coronavirus? Article is here.
Trojan Recycled (Used) Condoms?
Jacuzzi For Your Balls
a company has made a jacuzzi for your balls. you’re welcome.
Penis Park (A Real Place)
“Penis Park” is a real place in South Korea. If you can’t visit, you can always visit Hello Penis online! 🙂
Woman Triples Size Of Her Lip
Sex robots with coding errors prone to violence and could strangle humans
“Sex robots plagued with coding errors could be prone to violent behaviors including strangling, an expert has warned. Doll collector Brick Dollbanger fears violent repercussions if robotics are not regulated properly.”
Read More Here.
Man gives blowjob to 10-inch penis and ends up in ER with ruptured airway
Lesbian forklift truck driver forced to watch naked women on Babe Channel by abusive boss
Lesbian forklift truck driver forced to watch naked women on Babe Channel by abusive boss wins £7,500 discrimination payment.
New Mexico woman sues over pepper-sprayed vagina
“A woman is suing a New Mexico police officer who she says pepper-sprayed her vagina twice during a strip search.”
Fuck American Express!
And what a bunch of fucking liars and hypocrites. I say this because FIRST they say (about porn) “The company doesn’t allow its cardholders to purchase online pornography, even though it’s federally legal.” But THEN…they say about medicinal marijuana American Express purchases: “Discover and American Express have confirmed they don’t allow cardholders to buy medical or recreational marijuana. ‘It’s our policy to adhere to federal law in such matters.’
So which is it, fucktards?
Gay London Student to Lose Virginity in Live Art Project
"A gay student from London says he plans to lose his anal virginity live on stage for his art project, Britain’s newspaper the Daily Star reports."
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We Are So, So, Very Sorry For This Post, Guys.
Senior's penis amputated after Viagra overdose
"A 66-year-old man from southern Colombia had to have his penis amputated from complications arising from trying to please his new girlfriend by taking an overdose of Viagra."
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Polish woman, 21, aspires to sleep with 100,000 men
"The credibility of her goal is also raising eyebrows — 20-minute romps with 100,000 men would take 33,333 consecutive hours, or 3.8 years, without taking a break."
Newsnight strips “porn user” of her PhD
"Spare a thought for academic Dr Jude Roberts who admitted on Newsnight on Wednesday night that she uses porn. A minute or so later the caption writers at the BBC had made the necessary changes to her billing and stripped her of her PhD." —
Funniest Story I’ve Read All Year!
Crossdresser Fights Off Attackers … Ninja Style!
Ernst & Too Young? Accounting Firm’s Accidental Porn Re-Brand
"It all started last month when Ernst & Young in an effort to modernize their corporate messaging, rebranded as "EY," causing an inadvertent and unfortunate crossover between the world’s third largest professional services firm and EY Magateen, which according to Wikipedia"addresses the energy, power and vitality of young men, most of them aged between 16 and 21 years old." The result has caused soft core pornographic images from EY Magateen to come up during Google searches for EY professional services." —