Blowjob Humor

Different blowjob perspectives.

blowjob humor

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Hard Pour Corn Vs. Soft Pour Corn

corn vs. porn humor 🙂


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Sexiest Bathroom Ever?



i wonder how many couldn’t pee because they got hard-on’s 🙂


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Sex After Death?

I hope i still get to have sex, even after I’m dead n’ gone.


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either they’re fantastic or deformed 🙂

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Awkward :)

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Porn Humor

what he said….

porn is cheaper than dating
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Our Next Porn Title?

took a pic of this at walmart today and thought it would make an excellent porn title 🙂

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Porn Bloopers Video!

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Sperm Extraction Machine

Cum Inside….

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Funny “Pornhub” Meme

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Porn Did Ya Know?

According to Pornhub, their traffic dropped significantly for one day. They finally figured it out. Fallout 4 was released that same day. lol


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News (Sexual) Bloopers

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Shaft Shots! (funny video)

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Candy Company Sorry Its Gummy Candy Came Out Penis-Shaped


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Casper Gets A Blowjob?


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Typo Sends Readers To Adult Hotline

“A two-digit typo in an OPP press release ended up connecting people to an adult chat line called America’s Hottest Talk Line.”

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