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First Contact 145

Paris And Me 69:

Paris is back today standing in my shower getting soaped up and ready for another play session. There was no real plan for today but it ended up that Paris was laying on top of me sucking my cock while I ate his ass. I then maneuvered his cock in my mouth and he started fucking my mouth. You can hear him start to moan audibly in the video and within minutes he shoots a load that anyone would be proud of. There was spooge all over my shirt and all over the pillow under my head. I did manage to taste a bit and it was sweet as honey. He says later that he came so much because he was sucking my cock at the same time. I wonder if he's getting the idea yet!

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Charlie Discovers His Ass:

Charlie is back after a trip to South America. He still has memories of when I rimmed his ass on the massage table and wants to rekindle that feeling again today. This time I get to stick a couple of toys up his ass. He tells me a couple of times that he feels high from the feeling of getting his ass probed. Near the end of the video just before he cums you will hear him ask me "Can you touch me?"

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