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David & Ian Jay

The scene starts with a totally naked David,and with Ian Jay wearing only his pants,kissing up a storm. This is their second meeting,and they both requested the encore. David puts Ian on his back on the bed,and the two continue to wildly make out. David spanks Ian which turns both guys on even more; both dicks are like iron.

David shoves his down Ian s throat,and fucks his face. David now sucks on Ian s cock. Ian turns over so David can show us his ass. David lubes the hot hole up with his spit,then shoves a couple of fingers in. David lies on his back with his head toward the camera,Ian sits on his face,and fucks David s tongue while David continues slapping his ass.

David straddles Ian s head and Ian licks David s balls. David pulls Ian up on his shoulders,and feasts on the exposed ass hole. David gets on the bed,Ian gets on top,and David s cock rides up and down Ian s ass crack. But they cant wait any longer,so David puts on a condom,Ian lubes up,and David s cock slides up into Ian. David puts Ian on his back and enters him in the missionary position.

They bring their asses to the camera,Ian goes on his shoulders,and David pounds down into him,giving incredible penetration shots. Next David plows Ian doggie style. These guys like their sex hard and rough. David lies on his back,Ian sits on him facing the camera,and we have the frog. Next David has Ian lean over the mantle and fucks him from behind.

After more doggie,David plows Ian in the missionary position. And almost immediately Ian shoots a huge load all over himself. David jerks off,and sends own load all over Ian. And now,with David on his back,Ian stands up and jerks himself,and gives us his second cum shot of the day,this time all over David. Two incredibly hot guys get on their knees,kiss one last time,and a sensational scene ends.

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ShowGuys #493 - David & Ian Jay

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