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Morgan's Men #2

Morgan and Jey...Jey is a fresh new model that is going to be steaming up a lot of you. He's got a FINE body and a thick slab of man-cock that Morgan just can't get enough of. He spends every free minute bringing Jey to the edge of climax with his expert mouth, but when Jey's had all he can take, he slides a rubber onto his dick and slams it home into Morgan's ass. porn videos
Morgan and Lance...Morgan likes his guys fresh from the shower, so it's no surprise to see these guys in their towels…but they quickly disappear and the serious fun begins. Lance smothers Morgan with kisses; on his lips, on his cock and on his ass…but what Morgan really wants is Lance's long, hard, uncut and un-rubbered cock in his hungry ass...and he gets it! porn videos
Morgan and Dean...Dean is a bit on the shy and bookish side, but once Morgan gets him stripped down, Dean discovers how much fun it is to get his smooth, shaved crotch nibbled, licked and sucked. But Morgan wants some fun, too, so after face-fucking his buddy, Morgan does something new; he rolls him over and fucks Dean without a rubber and shoots off on Dean’s back.

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Morgan's Men #2

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