1509 East Madison Street ¨ Suite 101 ¨ Seattle WA 98122 ¨ (877) 861-6951


New Film Submission Checklist: Updated Jan 17, 2007

Complete this form (front and back) for every new film you submit to AMVC.

Circle YES or NO for each question below. If you answer NO to any question then your film is not ready to submit.



YES     NO       Does your DVD or Clip meet minimum running-time requirements?

DVD = 45 minutes or more.   HelloPenis Sessions = 5 minutes or more.


YES     NO       Is your DVD or Clip free of any prohibited content, such as actual or simulated fisting, urination,

defecation, blood, bestiality, incest, rape, child pornography, or any obviously obscene material.


YES     NO       Does your DVD or Clip have the legally required 2257 information screen at the beginning?


YES     NO       Does the 2257 information display before ANY nudity is shown, even on DVD menu screens?


YES     NO       Is the 2257 information displayed in an easily readable font size and color and, for DVDs, does it

remain on display long enough for an average person to read it through completely?


YES     NO       Does the 2257 information screen contain all of these items: Film Title, Dates of Production, and

the complete name and street address of the person who is your Custodian of Records?


YES     NO       Have you completed the online New Video Info Form and the New DVD Info Form on the AMVC

Producers web site and provided a full text description of the action in the DVD or Video?


YES     NO       Have you printed out and completely filled in a 2257 compliance statement (page 2 below)?


YES     NO       Have you previewed the DVD or Video you are sending to us to be sure there are no technical

problems such as image pixelation, video freezes, or audio distortions or sync issues?


YES     NO       Have you prepared an index file spreadsheet for all of the performers appearing in this DVD or

Video? This also includes any Preview Trailers or Bonus Galleries on a DVD. All performers shown

on a DVD or Video MUST be documented in the index file spreadsheet.


YES     NO       Do you have photocopied or scanned model releases and IDs for each performer appearing in this

DVD or Video? This also includes any Preview Trailers or Bonus Galleries on a DVD. All performers

shown on a DVD or Video MUST be documented in the index file spreadsheet.


YES     NO       Does every ID copy or scan show the performer’s name clearly and legibly?


YES     NO       Does every ID copy or scan show the performer’s photograph clearly and legibly?


YES     NO       Does every ID copy or scan show the performer’s date of birth clearly and legibly?


YES     NO       Does every ID copy or scan show the document number clearly and legibly?


YES     NO       ID’s that are expired at the time of filming are not valid. Were ALL IDs valid at the time of filming?


YES     NO       Is every model release copy or scan fully filled in (no blank lines remain), clear, and legible?


YES     NO       Have you placed the index file spreadsheet and all of your model releases and IDs onto a data CD

to send in with your film?



If you answered YES to every question then your film is ready to send to AMVC. Gather everything into a single package (DVD or Tape master, model documents or CD-ROM, index file spreadsheet on floppy or CD-ROM, 2257 compliance document, and this form) and mail it to:  On The Edge of Cyberspace, Inc., 1509 E. Madison Street #101, Seattle WA 98122

2257_Checklist_20080111.doc : revised 20120925 WDM

Statement of Compliance with the Documentation, Record Keeping,

and Labeling Requirements of USC 18 Section 2257


Complete this form (front and back) for every new film you submit to AMVC.



Video Producer                        

(First and Last Name):                _____________________________________________________________



Production Label                      

(Company Name):                      _____________________________________________________________




Video Title:                               _____________________________________________________________



Date(s) of Production               

(Dates Filming Occurred):           _____________________________________________________________



The producer named above states that (A) he/she is the producer as defined by USC 18 Section 2257; (B) all performers appearing in the product whose title and production label are shown above were eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time of filming; (C) that all performer records required by USC 18 Section 2257 and CFR 28 Part 75 are located in the offices of the Custodian of Records whose information appears below.



Custodian Of Records              

(First and Last Name):                _____________________________________________________________



Custodian’s Address                

(Street Addresses Only):            _____________________________________________________________

(No P.O. Boxes or Private Mail Boxes)


City, State, Zip, Country:



Producer’s Statement


On The Edge of Cyberspace, Inc (OTEC) was not involved in the hiring, contracting, or production of this film, however, based on the definitions given in USC 18 Section 2257, OTEC is considered a “Producer” and so I have provided OTEC with copies of my model documents and index file data for this film.


All inquiries regarding the records for this product should be directed to the Custodian of Records named above.


The title/credit screens at the beginning of the product named above contain the following information in a legible format and before any adult images, scenes, or content:

1…The title of the film.

2…A statement that all performers were 18 years or older at the time of filming.

3…The name and street address of the person acting as the Custodian of Records.

4…A list of the dates on which the product was filmed or produced.


Under Penalty of Perjury, I attest that all of the above information is correct and true.



____________________________________________________________   ____________________

Video Producer’s Signature                                                                               Date


2257_Checklist_20080111.doc : revised 20120925 WDM